The History

Yellow Star is a growing family run business that produces high quality food products for a range of different customers. The company started as a food processing business to fight poverty and create employment to the family in 1997, in the Northern region through encouraging rural war ravaged women to grow and supply cereals and supply to the company.
Over the years, Yellow Star has broadened its product line to a wide range of high quality nutritious organic food products derived from other cereals and grains. Today, more organic food is carefully processed from rice, ground nuts, cassava, sim sim in addition to the above, to meet the ever increasing demand in a variety of organic products and an expanding market.

Our Background

The company believes in building strong relationship with the suppliers of raw materials and the buyers. High quality raw materials are delivered by women who have been mentored over years to produce high quality grains. These are the formerly internally displaced women in Northern Uganda. From the consistent support to these women, a strong and fully functional supply chain has been built. The company continues to support these women groups with financial literacy and agribusiness skills. The skills have helped them during post-harvest handling and creating sustainable income generating activities. To this end, Yellow star continues to touch the lives of many formally displaced women in northern Uganda through market assurance.

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