In the century of economical and health challenges, our company decided to invest in honey processing to develop projects that generate revenues for rural communities and create jobs by making investments and accessing local and international markets, at the same time contributing to the improvement of health conditions and the environment by availing high-quality bee products.

Our products are:

– High-quality natural honey

– Beeswax

– Bee pollen

While increasing the availability of natural, healthy and medicinal products for local and international consumers, we contribute to the well-being of the humankind in this century with many health challenges.

Our mission

Our mission is to be one of the commercially viable enterprises within the bee products value chain in Rwanda by making investments, facilitating market linkage, making value addition of bee ? products and creation of employment.

Our vision

With six years of experience, we aim to double our sales by 2023 by:

– Promoting good apiculture practices within our local community by equipping beekeepers with modern tools and capacity building to increase their production.

– Positioning our products in the regional and international market, by taking advantage of regional and international integration.

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